Supply Chain Manager Jobs in Delaware Accessible with a Master’s, MBA, or Bachelor’s in SCM

delaware memorial bridge

Delaware is most definitely open for business. Though it’s the second-smallest state in the nation, it’s the HQ of 68% of all businesses on the Fortune 500 list. In 2022, 79% of all US IPOs were registered with Delaware as their corporate home.

The state is home to over half of all NYSE-listed businesses – in fact, there are more businesses incorporated in Delaware than there are people living here. And there’s a very good reason for that.

Everyone knows that Delaware has some of the best corporate tax policies around, but a successful business relies on a lot more than just a favorable tax environment. Though there may be debates about whether Delaware qualifies as a de facto onshore corporate tax haven, there aren’t a lot of questions about what it takes to ensure successful supply chain operations.

Businesses that deal in any material product also depend on robust supply chains and the infrastructure and teams to handle it.

Delaware is home to interstate highways, a deep-water port, and is equidistant between the global economic hubs of metro DC and Philadelphia. It’s also home to a lot of supply chain management talent, though demand still consistently outstrips the supply of qualified candidates.

If you want to head-up an SCM team for the next successful IPO to launch in Delaware, then you need to get serious about earning a degree in logistics and supply chain management.

The Port of Wilmington is a Big Player on the Atlantic Seaboard

loading container shipShipping today relies on the same principles as it did thousands of years ago. That means transporting cargo via boat is still typically the most economical option compared with land, rail, or air.

The Port of Wilmington, located just 63 miles from the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean and its shipping opportunities, can boast the distinction of being one of the East Coast’s deep-water ports.

That distinction means it can accommodate supersized Panamax and Neopanamax cargo ships, as well as ships carrying oil and natural gas.

A major hub in the US supply chain that celebrates its centenary this year, the Port of Wilmington ranks first for:

  • Being North America’s largest importer of fresh fruits, including bananas and Moroccan clementines
  • Having the largest dock-side refrigerated complex on the continent
  • Having America’s largest fumigation facility
  • Being North America’s largest perishable goods terminal
  • Being the East Coast’s largest export hub for livestock

Each year the port sees 400 vessels coming in to dock, transporting six million tons of cargo. Steel, timber, petroleum products, and automobiles are also common sights at the Port of Wilmington.

Goods shipped to the port have overnight delivery access to 49% of North America. Two Class 1 freight railroad tracks connect it by train to the rest of the nation.

Responsible for nearly 6,000 local jobs and $436 million in annual business revenue, Delaware and the rest of America’s supply chain connections would not be what they are today without the Port of Wilmington.

What Does a Supply Chain Manager Do in Delaware?

Many of Delaware’s largest sectors rely on SCM professionals to function on a basic level and stay competitive in the long run. These include:

Bayhealth is one of the largest healthcare providers in the state, operating two hospital campuses in Dover and Milford. Its procurement managers are responsible for:

To qualify for procurement manager positions with Bayhealth, candidates should have a bachelor’s degree in a related field, and complete a supply chain certificate program within one-year of being hired.

To qualify for the Director of Supply Chain Operations with Premier the company prefers candidates with master’s degrees.

Supply Chain Management Schools – Universities in Delaware Offering Degrees in SCM Online and On-Campus

The general principles you’ll encounter in SCM apply across the board, no matter where you work. Supply chain management undergraduate programs introduce topics that include:

A master’s in SCM or an MBA with an SCM concentration delve into subjects like these, giving you skills you’ll refer to throughout your career:

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